2D Physics Engine
Since physics caught my attention, I decided to learn more about it, creating a 2D Game Physics Engine with OpenGL and C++
Currently I'm working in that project, so I will be updating the results of the project as I wiil be adding more features
Features of the engine
Particle simulation
The first work in the engine was a particle simulation. This demo consists in a particle emitter class that generate particles in a point of the screen.
There are diferent particle emitter classes, each one with different features, like particles with gravity or random direction and velocities
You can download the demo of the particle emitters from the github repository: https://github.com/carloscaz/2D-PhysicsEngine/tree/Particles-emitters
Collision simulation
Other feature of the engine is the collision detection and the collision response. In that demo, I Created a pool of balls which check if a colision with other balls exists and if yes, it simulate a collision response depnding on factors as velocity, mass and coefficient restitution.
You can download the demo of the collision simulation from the github repository: https://github.com/carloscaz/2D-PhysicsEngine/tree/2D-Collision-Simulation